Chikago's Doors

[ 5.4.07 ]


Battlestar Galactica: Una Nueva Tripulación en la Ciudad.

Otra perla.

Si sois seguidores de Battlestar Galactica, no os perdáis la letra. ¡No tiene precio! No la traduzco, pero las frases más graciosas son fácilmente inteligibles.

Let me tell you about my favourite ship.
Back in '78 it seemed pretty hip.
It wasn't the Millennium Falcon or the Enterprise.
It was the Battlestar Galactica who took that prize.

Sure back then the effects were kinda cheesy
But I loved it like George Jefferson loved his Weezy.
Didn't worry about gravity or anything inertial and
Apollo's hair looked like a shampoo commercial.

But there's a new crew in town and they know how to throw down.
They make the others look like a ship full of clowns.

They had a Daggit and a boy named Boxy.
Now Starbuck's a girl and the Cylons are foxy.

For Adama, Eddie Olmos wins the fashion election,
Instead of padded robes he chose a different direction.

Sorry Dirk Benedict, don't want you to loose face
but I’d rather share my space with Kara Thrace.

still gushes with evil intent but...
why is he the only one with an English accent?

I love hot number six and her identical twins,
'cus on cable they're able to show a lot more skin.

Y el estribillo de esta pegadiza canción, que deberíamos declarar ya la Canción del Verano:

"You're my new Battlestar and you've come so far.
I love the slanted walls and your A shaped halls.
You're full of Cylon clones and your old fashion phones.
You're a frakkin’ awesome machine,
So much better than the one with Lorne Green.

You're my Battlestar and you've come so far.
I love your bluish glow and your drunk XO.
I love that you brought back old Richard Hatch.
You're a frakkin’ awesome machine,

So much better than the one with Lorne Green."


Y ya poniéndonos más serios y trascendentes, otra curiosidad.

La primeras frases de la canción del Main Theme... están en sánscrito!!! De hecho, resultan ser mantras:

Gayatri Mantra

Aum bhoor bhuwah swaha,
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasaya dheemahi
Dhiyo yo naha prachodayat

Que viene a ser algo así como:

¡Oh, Dios! Tú, donante de la vida,
Removedor de dolor y desgracia,
El Bestower (¿?) de felicidad
Oh! Creador del Universo.
¿Podemos recibir la suprema luz destructora del pecado?
¿Puedes guiar nuestro intelecto en la dirección correcta?

Quién lo iba a decir..
con la de veces que he (hemos) canturreado eso al inicio de cada capítulo, eh...

En fin, Boomer Forever!

| Las Rutas de la Salamandra [23:25]

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